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Register as a partner
Fill out the contact us form below and register your interest in partnering up with us.
Let’s Talk
We will go through everything and discuss everything in detail so there is full transparency.
Review and Sign
We will send Terms of Business that outlines our relationship moving forwards so all parties are on the same page. Sign and return.
Access and Offer
You will now have full access to our range of solutions and will now be able to start offering these to your clients.
It is also important to know the following:
We will provide full ongoing marketing support and if there is anything more you need then let us know.
You will continue to manage your relationship with your client. We will never contact them unless directly requested by you.
We can arrange seminars and presentations if there is interest.
Referral fees are paid so please do introduce us to people like yourselves,
We operate on a non-advised basis.
We introduce products for you to advise your clients on